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Namibians Where is Your Outrage Where is Your Support.jpg

03 March 2023

Namibians, Where is Your Outrage? Where is Your Support?

Russia under putin is not the Soviet Union that Ukraine once belonged to, russia has become a country ruled by fear and repression, where journalists and opposition politicians among others, have been murdered, where elections are rigged, and which has returned to its old Soviet and pre-Soviet imperial reflexes.
The only threat Ukraine posed to putin's russia was that of a good example – proof that another former Soviet republic could become a successful and prosperous democracy.
Namibia would not tolerate a larger neighbour telling it membership of the African Union (AU) was forbidden.
Respect for borders has long been the most fundamental principle to the Organisation of African Unity
Ukrainians are fighting and dying for the same things Namibians fought and died for. And their blood is also watering their freedom.

Sunflower Show Exhibition & Sale Opening 24 February 2023-30.jpg

25 Feb 2023

Sunflower help for Ukraine

The Community Skills Development Centre’s (COSDEC) arts and crafts centre hosted an art and design exhibition and sale with sunflowers as its theme. The exhibition showcased artwork of all types - new, pre-loved framed, unframed and more. Beatrice Schultz, entrepreneur and Swakopmund ambassador for future females, officiated the event with her opening speech.

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25 Feb 2023

Sonneblomhulp vir Oekraïne

Jessica le Grange the public relations officer for COSDEF explained that the pop-up group exhibition will focus on the sunflower or "Soniashnyk" as motif. "The sunflower emerged as a global symbol of resistance, unity, and hope in Ukraine. The show aims to gather a community of artists to stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people. We collected artwork in any medium or size, new or old throughout February and they will be for sale starting from as little as N$ 50. All the proceeds will go to humanitarian and medical aid. Members of the public could also choose an option to sell their work and share the money made 50/50.”

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24 Feb 2023

Flucht aus der Ukraine

Namibische Studenten: „Kein Namibier wird zurückgelassen“
Am heutigen Freitag, den 24. Februar, ist es genau ein Jahr her, dass der Krieg zwischen Russland und der Ukraine ausbrach und fast 200 namibische Studenten sich in Sicherheit bringen mussten. 
Monica sagt, dass sie immer noch Freunde in der Ukraine habe, die nirgendwo anders hin konnten und seitdem um ihr Leben fürchten müssen. 
Zaporizhzhia ist inzwischen ein Ziel russischen Raketenangriffe geworden. 
„Es ist traurig zu wissen, dass einige meiner Professoren zum Wehrdienst aufgerufen wurden und von ihnen auch für ihr Land gestorben sind.“ Zaporizhzhia ist inzwischen ein Ziel russischen Raketenangriffe geworden.
Die Ukraine war sehr ausländerfreundlich und sehr entgegenkommend gegenüber den ausländischen Studenten", meinte sie. 
„Ich konnte schlussendlich mein Studium mit einer Auszeichnung abschließen, weil ich im letzten Semester war und wir unsere Abschlussprüfungen online geschrieben haben“, sagt Monica.

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24 Feb 2023

Reliving the great Ukrainian escape

One of the 193 Namibian students who had to abandon their studies in Ukraine amid a hail of Russian bullets has lived to narrate the ordeal.
Zaporizhzhia is an industrial hub with numerous power stations, with heavy industrial products produced in the region, including steel, aircraft engines and transformers for substations.
"The cost of living was not high and it was friendly and accommodating to all the foreign students who were there."
Monica said she still has friends in Ukraine who had nowhere else to go and have been fearing for their lives ever since.
"It is sad to know that some of my professors were called up to help fight and they died for their country."
Zaporizhzhia is currently a huge target for Russian missiles.

Oekraïne ’n jaar terug binnegeval.jpg

24 Feb 2023

Oekraïne ’n jaar terug binnegeval

Sy is een van 193 Namibiese studente wat alles in die Oekraïne moes agterlaat en na Pole vlug voordat sy huis toe kon keer.
Monica sê sy het nog vriende in die Oekraïne, wat nêrens anders gehad het om heen te gaan nie en hulle vrees sedertdien vir hul lewens.
“Dit is hartseer om te weet dat sommige van my professore opgeroep is om te help veg en hulle het vir hul land gesterf.”
Zaporizhzhia is tans ’n reuseteiken vir Russiese missiele.
“Ek kon my studies met vrystelling voltooi omdat ek in my finale semester was en ons ons eindeksamen aanlyn geskryf het,” het sy gesê.

War in Ukraine acting together to ensure international law prevails.jpg

24 Feb 2023

War in Ukraine: acting together to ensure international law prevails

We need to be clear that russia’s actions are responsible for the economic shockwaves in terms of food, energy and fertiliser prices. 
History and justice are on the side of Ukraine. But to accelerate history and achieve justice, we need to amplify our ‘triple strategy’. We know this is a collective task. That is why the EU is counting on all its partners to act in a spirit of joint responsibility and solidarity to ensure that aggression fails and international law prevails.

Paint & Wine evening -Sunflower- Cosdef Arts & Crafts Center 18 Feb 2023-49.jpg

23 Feb 2023

Raising funds for humanitarian and medical aid in Ukraine

Jessica le Grange the public relations officer for COSDEF explained that the pop-up group exhibition will focus on the sunflower or "Soniashnyk" as motif. "The sunflower emerged as a global symbol of resistance, unity, and hope in Ukraine. The show aims to gather a community of artists to stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people. We collected artwork in any medium or size, new or old throughout February and they will be for sale starting from as little as N$ 50. All the proceeds will go to humanitarian and medical aid. Members of the public could also choose an option to sell their work and share the money made 50/50.”

As Russia’s Wagner mercenaries expand over Africa the continental air smells of Cold War a

08 Feb 2023

As Russia’s Wagner mercenaries expand over Africa, the continental air smells of Cold War again

The US designated Wagner a “transnational criminal organisation”.
There is a growing realisation in Washington that Wagner is more than just a pack of adventurists fighting jihadis and exploiting minerals. It is Russia — as exemplified by Lavrov’s second African safari this year (although Lavrov’s Africa travel schedule also reflects the fact he is no longer welcome in the global capitals he used to frequent).
Prigozhin is the proprietor of the Internet Research Agency (IRA) a troll farm that has been responsible for sending fake news.

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07 Feb 2023

Russian muscle spurs Arctic arms race

Russia’s war in Ukraine impacts everyone, everywhere. 
Expanding its military presence in the Arctic threatens to engulf the region in a second front to the war in Ukraine, either militarily or economically. 
For Russia, climate change and the melting polar ice cap has meant that the Arctic is of even more strategic and economic value, with untapped resources available and a potential new sea route to Asia. Russian investment is part of its plan to dominate the Arctic by 2035 and rejuvenate its great power ambitions.

‘It’s a moral disgrace’ Cape Town mayor spits fire as Russian seismic ship sails to Antarc

07 Feb 2023

‘It’s a moral disgrace’: Cape Town mayor spits fire as Russian seismic ship sails to Antarctica

The letter of demand, apart from Extinction Rebellion and Greenpeace volunteers who have spearheaded the campaign, includes signatures by diverse concerned groups such as the South African Fishers Collective, the South Peninsula Khoi Council and WildAid Africa.
If that happens, Antarctica — and the whole world — will suffer even more devastating impacts.
And it is none other than Russia’s 2022-approved “Reproduction and Use of Natural Resources” programme that hardwires Antarctica into the Kremlin’s very latest mining policy.
All of these Russian war exercises, and the meetings with Russian government ministers, are a shameful moral disgrace.

Grain initiative Ukraine’s agricultural exports drop by 25% compared to previous month.jpg

05 Feb 2023

Grain initiative: Ukraine’s agricultural exports drop by 25% compared to previous month

Due to the actions of the Russian side, which blocks ship inspections in the Bosphorus, in January the world received 25% less Ukrainian agricultural products than in December.
As the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine posted on Facebook, 77 ships exported 3 million tonnes of agricultural products from the ports of Odesa region to the countries of Africa, Asia, and Europe in January, showing a 25% decrease compared to December volumes.

Abstaining in absentia — SADC may have a common non-alignment position on Ukraine.jpg

03 Feb 2023

Abstaining in absentia — SADC may have a common non-alignment position on Ukraine

At least nine of the 16 SADC states voted in favour of at least one General Assembly resolution condemning or sanctioning Russia for its Ukraine invasion. Yet it seems that all these countries are now bound to abstain from such resolutions. 
African states have been more ambivalent than most about this war, with almost the same number abstaining as those supporting UN General Assembly resolutions condemning Russia.
But for example, Zambia doesn’t take sides but rejects acts of aggression or war between nations because of the human cost. 

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03 Feb 2023

Help Ukrainians through art

You can help Ukrainians by purchasing artwork created by Namibian artists at the Sunflower Show Art and Design Exhibition & Sale with "Sunflowers" as them to be hosted at the Community Skills Development Centre (COSDEC) Arts and Crafts Centre from 24 February to 24 March.
Olga Nesterenko, the organiser of the event explained that the aim is to gather a community of artists to stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people. You can gain popularity while donating towards a good cause. You exhibit your skills, we exhibit your art.

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03 Feb 2023

Steun OekraЇne deur sonneblomkuns 

Jy kan Oekraïners bystaan deur kunswerke te koop wat deur Namibiese kunstenaars geskep is vir die Sunflowers Show-kuns en ontwerp-uitstalling. Dié uitstalling met “sonneblomme” as tema word vanaf 24 Februarie tot 24 Maart by die kuns- en kunsvlytsentrum van die stigting vir die ontwikkeling van gemeenskapsvaardighede (Cosdef) op Swakopmund aangebied.
Nesterenko het bygevoeg met die groeiende gewildheid van die kunsbedryf in Namibië, kan dié uitstalling beslis ’n wonderlike geleentheid vir blootstelling wees. Jy kan gewildheid wen terwyl jy vir ’n goeie doel skenk. "Jy stel jou vaardighede ten toon, ons stal jou kuns uit.”

The defence of Russia risks taking South Africa down a dark and authoritarian road.jpg

02 Feb 2023

The defence of Russia risks taking South Africa down a dark and authoritarian road

Despite his rejection of the nostalgia thesis, Ronnie reminisces about his military training in Odesa, a city in Ukraine whose citizens have been under constant Russian missile bombardment.
What he also prefers not to write about is how the ANC is alienating itself from its biggest trade and investment partners in the process, and the consequences thereof.
In any event, you can’t choose when to apply your “principles”. 
SA rants about the “morality of US foreign policy”.
Again, Russia appears exempt from criticism when it does the same — and far worse — in Africa under the brutal rule of Wagner military interventions that secure mineral wealth for oligarchs.
Most African countries, in fact, voted to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Are these 27 countries somehow excluded from Kasrils’ “Global South”?

Grain Initiative In a week, 18 vessels exported 664,000 tonnes of food from Odesa ports

30 Jan 2023

Grain Initiative: In a week, 18 vessels exported 664,000 tonnes of food from Odesa ports

In particular, 60,000 tonnes of wheat were shipped to Kenya, 56,000 tonnes – to Bangladesh, and 60,000 tonnes of Ukrainian vegetable oil – to India.
We are seeing a decline in exports by almost 30% compared to the previous month, which means that the world is not receiving the right amount of agricultural produce. 
In the Bosporus, the russian side in the JCC continues to obstruct implementation of the initiative and artificially increases the queue of ships.

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30 Jan 2023

Russia’s war in Ukraine remains biggest driver of global uncertainty, says IMF

This hurts economic growth and investment flows, and is a pointed reminder that Pretoria’s foreign policy does not have SA’s best interests in mind. The country is poorer as a result, and already glaring disparities in wealth and income are almost certainly widening. 
Uncertainty casts a shadow over economic growth and by extension investment flows. It’s a key reason global economic growth is seen as slowing this year. 

Zimbabwe’s Mnangagwa welcomes Putin ally Belarus President Lukashenko

30 Jan 2023

Zimbabwe’s Mnangagwa welcomes Putin ally Belarus President Lukashenko

The visit is historic, as it is the first such undertaking to a sub-Saharan African nation, by President Lukashenko,” the ministry said in a statement.
Lukashenko is a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin and has backed Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.
In 2021, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), a consortium of investigative journalists, unveiled links between Lukashenko’s family and a gold mining venture in Zimbabwe.

Pandor declines appeal from European Union to persuade Russia to stop war against Ukraine

27 Jan 2023

Pandor declines appeal from European Union to persuade Russia to stop war against Ukraine

The European Union regards South Africa as an important partner to uphold and reinvigorate a rules-based international order.
Facts are facts. What’s happening in Ukraine is nothing less than a blatant violation of the United Nations Charter and the international rules-based international order. 
This is not only a European war. It’s happening on European soil but it affects the whole world. The consequences are felt around the whole world and the energy and the food crisis are the most evident direct result. 

President Hage Geingob War benefits no one

26 Jan 2023

Geingob: War benefits no one

President Hage Geingob noted that the people on the planet have suffered in different ways because of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine; hence, the world should strive for peace.
As a result of the war, Namibians experienced an astronomical rise in food and fuel prices.
The increase in inflation for food were partly attributed to a rise in global prices due to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which are some of the biggest producers of wheat and cooking oil.

Friendship or fiendship South Africa’s weird love for Russia poses serious questions

26 Jan 2023

Friendship or fiendship? South Africa’s weird love for Russia poses serious questions

The US outscores Russia as a partner in every objective, commercial measure, from investment to trade. 
South Africans do not share the ANC’s enthusiasm for autocrats like Russia and China. Having experienced the whip under apartheid, they value freedom, democracy and the quality of life in an open society. 
Being hosted by Pretoria provides Russia with an opportunity to build its fake news playbook. Their new strategy across Africa to be to subjugate African nations using their Wagner mercenaries while extracting minerals worth billions for oligarchs. This is State Capture.

After the Bell SAs decision to back Russia over Ukraine is objectively bonkers.jpg

25 Jan 2023

After the Bell: SA’s decision to back Russia over Ukraine is objectively bonkers

It is worth asking: What are SA’s interests
At the moment there are about 700 US companies operating in SA. They employ about 220,000 people. US companies invested just under R10-billion in SA companies in 2021 alone.
Russia’s total investments in SA amount to about  $1.5-billion, while before the invasion SA’s investment in Russia amounted to about $5-billion.
The total number of international students in Russia is about 350,000. The number of foreign students at US universities is more than a million.

Be good ambassadors in foreign countries - Minister after Tanzanian man dies in combat in

25 Jan 2023

'Be good ambassadors in foreign countries' - Minister after Tanzanian man dies in combat in Ukraine

When Russia invaded Ukraine, the Wagner Group started recruiting prisoners with the promise of clemency after the war.
According to Tax, Tarimo went to Russia in 2020 to join the Russian Technological University (MIREA) to study towards a master's degree in Business Informatics.
So far, two Africans have died fighting alongside Russian forces.

Reflections on a visit to Ukraine Humanity is indivisible, Africans must choose the right

24 Jan 2023

Reflections on a visit to Ukraine: Humanity is indivisible, Africans must choose the right side of history

Thabo Makgoba, the Archbishop of Cape Town.
Ukraine is a metaphor for the different futures that confront Africa, and the choices behind them. 
What happens in Ukraine affects us all. As a result, we are faced with critical choices which will determine not only Ukraine’s fortunes but our own. We will have to choose which path to follow. 
If you support freedom of choice, if you support the right to determine your destiny, Ukraine’s struggle is your struggle.

Why the world needs Ukrainian victory Timothy Snyder.jpg

23 Jan 2023

Why the world needs Ukrainian victory

To head off future resource wars. Aside from being a consistent perpetrator of war crimes, Russia's Wagner group seizes mineral resources by violence wherever it can.  
To guarantee food supplies and prevent future starvation. Ukraine feeds much of the world. As one Russian propagandist put it, "starvation is our only hope." 
To affirm the value of freedom. 
The Ukrainians have given us a chance to turn this century around, a chance for freedom and security that we could not have achieved by our own efforts, no matter who we happen to be.  All we have to do is help them win.

Pandor Modise on the wrong side of history with Russia.jpg

23 Jan 2023

Pandor, Modise on the wrong side of history with Russia

The world's pariah has found a safe, welcoming haven in South Africa, while other countries who believe in democracy, human rights and sovereignty would have arrested Lavrov when he set foot on our shores.
We cannot imagine a more cynical event than playing war games with an aggressor like Russia on the anniversary of that country's invasion of an independent state.

South Africa’s fawning at the feet of the Russians will carry high costs.jpg

23 Jan 2023

South Africa’s fawning at the feet of the Russians will carry high costs

Aid relationships and trade preferences, including the renewal of the African Growth and Opportunity Act in 2025, could suffer, particularly if the US Congress takes notice of South Africa’s friendships. The same applies to its military relations. Nearly all of South Africa’s military equipment is sourced from the West. Will South Africa continue to obtain end-user certificates, for instance, for critical submarine and frigate combat suite spares in future?

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22 Jan 2023

Bulk carrier with 30,000 t of wheat for Ethiopia leaves Chornomorsk Port

According to the ministry, it is the fourth vessel to have left the Odesa region’s Chornomorsk Port as part of the Grain from Ukraine program.
A reminder that the Grain from Ukraine program was initiated by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. It provides for the purchase of Ukrainian-produced grain by partner states and its delivery to the countries facing a humanitarian crisis. The Grain from Ukraine program is implemented in partnership with the UN World Food Programme.

Do not look away — Russian terrorism will destroy the world.jpg

22 Jan 2023

Do not look away — Russian terrorism will destroy the world

Liubov Abravitova is the Ambassador of Ukraine to South Africa.
Even faced with war and genocide, we risk our security to remain a guarantor of food security for the world.
All Russian terrorists have done in 332 days is create a food shortage, threaten the world with nuclear strikes, threaten the world with famine, and do their best to freeze and starve anyone they can. 
Preventing Russian terrorist attacks on our nation and on all of the civilised world is a challenge for everyone, for every country and every leader.

Guaranteeing food security and overcoming famine is real.jpg

21 Jan 2023

Guaranteeing food security and overcoming famine is real

The President said that Ukraine had exported 6.5 million tonnes of food every month before the beginning of the war unleashed by Russia which destroys Ukraine’s potential, including agricultural one.
“Due to Russian aggression and actions to block our food exports, the shipments have been cut in half. If we count all that not in tonnes, but in human lives, this will be at least two hundred million people in different countries on three continents 
According to him, the world needs more determination and more cooperation to stop the aggression that ruins the food market. And I express my gratitude to everyone who is implementing the initiative Grain from Ukraine with us!

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21 Jan 2023

Ukraine is responsible participant in global food market relations

“This is our moral constant – there must be wheat on fertile soil, not craters from explosions,” Zelensky said.
According to him, anyone who tries to deprive people of food or water is an enemy not only to those, who are doomed to starve or suffer from thirst but also is an enemy to humanity, and such enemies must be defeated together.
"Join our initiative to create food hubs in Africa – in the regions that are critically dependent on food imports."

The first ambassadors, experts on the African continent, joined the Grain from Ukraine ini

19 Jan 2023

The first ambassadors, experts on the African continent, joined the Grain from Ukraine initiative - Andriy Yermak

He introduced the experts who became the first ambassadors of Grain from Ukraine on the African continent:
- former President of Malawi, Dr. Joyce Banda, who is currently active in a number of international organizations,
- Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh, Regional Director for Central and West Africa Programs at the National Democratic Institute,
- Dr. Oby Ezekwesili, former Minister of Education of Nigeria and former Vice President of the World Bank, who is currently a Senior Advisor at the Africa Economic Development Policy Initiative and Regional Director of the National Democratic Institute in Africa.

Exercise in obscenity South Africa only helps Vladimir Putin by hosting naval drills off D

19 Jan 2023

Exercise in obscenity: South Africa only helps Vladimir Putin by hosting naval drills off Durban

Right here is where we encounter the nub of the day’s lesson.
The ongoing efforts by Russia to prevent Ukrainian exports of grain to a hard-pressed world, thereby generating a major price rise of agricultural commodities...
In the meantime, the Chinese get to come along for the ride and they will get a ringside seat to evaluate the capabilities of the Russian navy in actual operations far from home...

‘Insensitive’ SANDF to plough ahead with joint maritime exercise with Russia and China.jpg

19 Jan 2023

‘Insensitive’ SANDF to plough ahead with joint maritime exercise with Russia and China

It has not escaped international or domestic attention that Exercise Mosi 2 will be taking place while the world observes the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24 February.
Similar ships in the Black Sea have fired fusillades of cruise missiles that have destroyed power stations and other infrastructure and killed hundreds of civilians.

Russia’s foreign minister outrages Jewish community on eve of his visit to South

19 Jan 2023

Russia’s foreign minister outrages Jewish community on eve of his visit to South Africa

This is not the first time the minister has used Holocaust equivalence and Hitler references.
“This must stop. As we mark in the coming days International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the day that the Red Army liberated Auschwitz, the memory of Holocaust victims must never be used in such an appalling manner.”
This is Holocaust distortion at its most basic level and we call on Mr Lavrov to unequivocally apologise
Any alignment with Russia’s terrorist regime and their henchmen is politically and economically dangerous, as well as morally unacceptable

DA says Naledi Pandor should not meet Sergey Lavrov unless to pressure Russia to end Ukrai

18 Jan 2023

DA says Naledi Pandor should not meet Sergey Lavrov — unless to pressure Russia to end Ukraine invasion

"A friendly engagement between the two countries is not appropriate unless it includes a discussion of how to persuade Russia to end its involvement in Ukraine as soon as possible and/or to stop using South Africa as a staging area for ships and cargo in order to sabotage our application for an IMF loan.
It is not just out of touch with its people or region, but also with the rest of the world, and any additional meetings that the government would like to have with Russia at this time could have very negative economic repercussions.
We implore the ANC government to place the rights of people above government relations and interest.” Bergman said.

If the aggressor is not stopped on time Africa could be at risk too  Adelina Deli famous A

18 Jan 2023

Ukraine/Russia war: If the aggressor is not stopped on time, Africa could be at risk too — Adelina Deli, famous AfroUkrainian dancer.

Ukrainians are not just white-skinned, they are people of any skin color. People speak different languages and have different faith and political beliefs, but that doesn’t stop us from forming meaningful relationships with each other. We open doors to diversity – in culture, background, choices, race, etc. 
Why would Africans turn a blind eye to Ukraine which has always contributed to the maintenance of peace on the African continent? 
If the aggressor is not stopped on time, any other place, including Africa, could be at risk.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov heads for Pretoria on his Africa charm

17 Jan 2023

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov heads for Pretoria on his Africa ‘charm’ offensive

“I think that South African policy is wrong not only from the moral perspective but from the point of view of its own interest because it has very little trade with Russia."
Will it be business as usual when Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Monday pays his first visit to South Africa since his country invaded Ukraine almost a year ago?

The Smoke that Blunders Russia China and SA navy exercise is immoral stupid and impractica

16 Jan 2023

The Smoke that Blunders — Russia, China and SA navy exercise is immoral, stupid and impractical

What exactly can be learnt from Russia’s logistically incompetent, demoralising military leadership other than how to mistreat your troops and fire missiles at blocks of civilian flats, is unclear. 
It’s immoral, given that Ukraine is fighting for its survival against Russian aggression. Most South Africans recognise this, with three-quarters recently polled condemning the Russian invasion, and more than 80% saying that South Africa should offer support to a country invaded by its neighbour.

Wheat prices Kenya has secured a grant of 25000 tons of wheat from Ukraine in a bilateral

16 Jan 2023

Wheat prices | Kenya has secured a grant of 25,000 tons of wheat from Ukraine in a bilateral deal

Kenya has secured a grant of 25,000 tons of wheat from Ukraine in a bilateral deal aimed at stabilizing the price of wheat. Ukraine’s Agriculture Policy Deputy Minister Dmytrasevych Markiya however warns that the price of wheat in the international market is likely to remain high as production in the Eastern European country has drastically reduced due to high fertilizer prices.

Death toll rises from Dnipro missile strike South Africa set to welcome Russian warships d

16 Jan 2023

Death toll rises from Dnipro missile strike; South Africa set to welcome Russian warships despite criticism

IAEA expands its presence in Ukraine to bolster nuclear safety
Up to six million Ukrainians remain without power daily
Ex-Wagner military unit commander requests asylum in Norway
Germany proposes war crimes court changes
Read more key developments in the article.

Summary of Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food visit to Africa areas of cooperation worke

16 Jan 2023

Summary of Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food visit to Africa: areas of cooperation worked out

During the visit, the delegation held a number of meetings with government and business representatives in Senegal, Nigeria and Ghana. A number of agreements on further cooperation were reached. The parties discussed projects on creation of grain hubs for grain storage in African countries. Implementation of joint logistics projects will allow to stabilize prices and have confidence in the quality of grain and the necessary volumes of supplies.
Mykola Solskyi noted that the visited countries are interested in developing cooperation with Ukraine.

Davos 2023 geopolitics gets real.jpg

16 Jan 2023

Davos 2023: geopolitics gets real

The 2022 theme at the Summer Davos was “History at a Turning Point: Government Policies and Business Strategies”. Or, to put it another way, “WTF is happening in Ukraine?! What is that about?!” In some ways, the 2023 theme derives from this bewilderment.
The conference hasn’t even started yet, and already a new word for this geopolitical focus has been proposed: polycrisis. The term arose out of a pre-conference report called The Global Risks Report 2023, which actually bore the title, “Welcome to the age of the polycrisis”.  
So what is a “polycrisis”? 

Russian lice Why the world should ban Kremlin media.jpg

16 Jan 2023

Russian lice. Why the world should ban Kremlin media

From inciting genocide in Ukraine to amplifying racial tensions in the US. It is time to stop the Russian disinformation machine disguising itself as the free media.
Gerasimov Doctrine. New head of the Russian Army in February 2013 declared a new strategy of war: «…The informational space opens wide asymmetrical possibilities for reducing the fighting potential of the enemy.» In layman’s terms, the media became another weapon in Russia’s arsenal. 

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15 Jan 2023

Vladimir putin’s grand illusions crumble into ashes in brutal theatre of real war

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine fits into a larger picture of a delusion about the nature of Ukraine’s relationship with Russia. 
The first is that the Russian attack was, at its heart, an unprovoked one, rather than any kind of justifiable, defensive gesture. 
With those understandings clearly set out, we can speculate on the future of this conflict — and what it is likely to mean for the rest of us.

After Russias latest horrific attack, the question is who are you standing with.jpg

15 Jan 2023

After Russia’s latest horrific attack, the question is: who are you standing with?

Liubov Abravitova, the Ambassador of Ukraine to South Africa.
Ukrainians invented the piezo motor, electric welding of soft tissue during surgeries, CDs, vaccines against plague and cholera, liquid scalpels for the removal of malignant tumours and many more.
The most striking thing is how any human being would watch a horrific terrorist attack on civilians, hear people screaming for their lives under rubble, see the bodies of children being pulled out from under tonnes of concrete and still feel justified in their decision to stand with Russia. Who are you standing with? Terrorists? Murderers?

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13 Jan 2023

Ukraine, Ghana plan to set up logistics hub for foodstuffs

This was discussed during a meeting between Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Mykola Solskyi and Minister of Food and Agriculture of Ghana Owusu Afriyie Akoto.
The parties discussed the issue of starting a joint project: the construction of a logistics hub for food storage. Such a hub will make it possible to store high-quality grain, contribute to the predictability of sales, and stabilize food prices.

William Ruto Holds Talks with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky Lauds Food Security Eff

13 Jan 2023

William Ruto Holds Talks with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, Lauds Food Security Efforts 

William Ruto and Volodymyr Zelensky discussed various issues among them, enhancing cooperation between the two countries Reacting to the post, William Ruto termed their discussion as important, saying that he was looking forward to picking it up again In September 2022, Volodymyr Zelenskyy sent a congratulatory message to William Ruto after he was declared Kenya's president-elect 

How the mighty have fallen Vladimir Putin, Elon Musk and the Icarus effect.jpg

12 Jan 2023

How the mighty have fallen — Vladimir Putin, Elon Musk and the Icarus effect

There is one thing about 2022 that really stands out: Big-time leadership failure. I mean real major disaster stuff.
Overlap between these two very different individuals turns on a single word: invulnerability. Leaders and leadership, as we all know, go through phases. But psychologists have recognised that there is a point where leaders consider themselves invulnerable — and that, my friend, is where the trouble (and the hubris) start.
Putin has essentially lost the war in Ukraine; it’s not over yet, but the prospect of true victory is gone. He has lost his place in the world. He has also lost, it is loosely estimated, about 70,000 of his compatriots, Russian soldiers who have died on the battlefield which some of his own generals argued he should not have entered. 

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12 Jan 2023

Zelensky, Ruto discuss food security, Grain from Ukraine initiative

“Had a fruitful conversation with President of Kenya William Ruto. Thanked for the constructive cooperation in the UN, for the support as a member of the UN Security Council. We talked about the Ukrainian initiative Grain from Ukraine, food security and the creation of grain hubs in Africa,” Zelensky wrote.
Grain from Ukraine humanitarian food program was initiated by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. As part of this program, partner states purchase Ukrainian-produced grain and send it to the countries facing a humanitarian crisis. The program is implemented in partnership with the UN World Food Programme.

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12 Jan 2023

Ukraine to establish grain hub in Nigeria

“Notwithstanding the situation in which your country finds itself, you are able to extend a hand of friendship not just to Nigeria but to other African countries. This demonstrates superhuman courage and we really admire your generosity and we thank you for this support,” Onyeama said.
Onyeama noted that Nigeria had long standing relations with Ukraine.
“We will do our best at the multilateral level to bring the war to a very quick end,” Onyeama said.

Ukraine to consider Nigerias proposal to build logistics hub for grain and food deliveries

12 Jan 2023

Ukraine to consider Nigeria’s proposal to build logistics hub for grain and food deliveries

The relevant statement was made by the Ukrainian Agrarian Policy and Food Ministry, following a meeting between Ukrainian Agrarian Policy and Food Minister Mykola Solskyi, Nigeria’s Foreign Affairs Minister Geoffrey Onyeama and Nigeria’s Agriculture and Rural Development Minister Mohammad Mahmood Abubakar.
The parties discussed the possibility of establishing cooperation and expanding trade relations between the two countries.

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12 Jan 2023

‘Grains from Ukraine’ initiative in Nigeria to bolster African relations

Minister of Foreign Affairs Geoffrey Onyeama said: “Notwithstanding the situation in which your country finds itself, you are able to reach out a hand of friendship not just to Nigeria but to other African countries. This demonstrates superhuman courage, and we really admire your generosity, [and] thank you for this support.”

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10 Jan 2023

Ukraine, Senegal to intensify cooperation in agriculture

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine has signed a memorandum with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Equipment of Senegal on cooperation in the area of agriculture.
Mykola Solskyi said that despite the war, the Ukrainian side is making every effort to continue exporting the necessary amount of foodstuffs to African countries.

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8 Jan 2023

Come 2024 and we, the Ukrainian people, will still be standing, free and united

Just a few facts that prove a Loser of the Year — a title well earned by putin.
Putin claimed he has the best modern weapons, ammunition and machinery? We have seen him crawling on his knees, begging Iran, Belarus and North Korea for help. Truly pathetic.
Putin wanted to push back Nato borders? Two new countries, Sweden and Finland, have been invited to join Nato since 24 February 2022.

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6 Jan 2023

Decoding russia’s Economic Engagements in Africa

While russia has little to offer Africa economically, the political incentives for Moscow to engage on the continent have only grown stronger following its invasion of Ukraine.
Russia’s real aim is to prevent African oil and gas from reaching the global market—and cutting into russia’s market share etc.

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5 Jan 2023

Persverklaring: ’n Bus uit Oekraïne Maandag 9 Januarie uitgesaai

“Die dokumentêre program vervat die vlugtelinge se weergawes van hul eie lewe en die impak wat die oorlog gehad het. Dit is ’n humanitêre storie wat nie net handel oor die oorlog nie maar ook oor die impak van enige onderdrukking vertel uit ’n humanitêre oogpunt,” verduidelik Charlenè Brouwer, regisseur en uitvoerende vervaardiger van ’n Bus uit Oekraïne.

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3 Jan 2023

Russian hypocrisy and the death of a Zambian student in Ukraine

Nyirenda’s death and how the russian government handled it speak to the glaring gap between russian official rhetoric and how it treats Africans in reality. While it insists it has an anti-imperialist approach to Africa, russia has no qualms about victimising Africans on the continent and within its own borders.

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2 Jan 2023

Zelensky holds 18 conversations with African leaders in 2022, nine of which, for first time in history of bilateral relations 

The Foreign Ministry also said that during the year, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba had 35 phone conversations and meetings with African colleagues. In October 2022, the first African tour of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine took place in the history of Ukrainian diplomacy, covering Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana and Kenya.

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2 Jan 2023

Ukraine's Foreign Ministry announced restart of relations with Africa

The Ukrainian foreign policy department announced the expansion of Ukraine's diplomatic presence on the African continent.
The diplomatic department shared the achievements in the African direction during 2022.

Zelensky the Jewish lawyer turned comic turned actual president who pulled off a military

28 Dec 2022

Zelensky, the Jewish lawyer-turned-comic-turned-actual president who pulled off a military miracle

Each Russian advance has eventually been stalled and slowly reversed. The crucial catalysing element for all of this turns out to have been a Jewish lawyer-turned-comic-turned-actual president. Right from the beginning of the crisis, he refused to leave the country despite offers from various nations to take him and his family in as special refugees.

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28 Dec 2022

Vladimir Putin assumes wicked character role in an explosion of Soviet myths

As the story is well known by now, Putin had been a low-level KGB operative in East Germany. 
So now any febrile embrace by Putin of democratic values such as media freedom, the rule of law and respect for the role of a political opposition shrivelled away, and political opposition figures either ended up deceased or incarcerated.
As a result - in the absence of battlefield success, the Russian strategy has fallen back on carrying out a massive bombardment of rockets, missiles and “kamikaze” drones.

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26 Dec 2022

Soviet History Shapes African Attitudes Towards the Ukraine War

The USSR had generated a lot of goodwill in Africa due to its unwavering support for the cause of the continent’s liberation.
In its engagements in Africa, the Soviet Union sought to promote a socialist modernization model. In contrast, the russia of vladimir putin and his oligarchs offers no distinct ideological vision and pursues a foreign policy that, its anti-Western and anti-imperialist rhetoric aside, has nothing “progressive” about it and prefers to contract with military and authoritarian regimes.

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25 Dec 2022

Archbishop's sermon for Midnight Mass, Christmas 2022

I saw in Ukraine a determination to defend the country and to instill hope, notwithstanding the challenges. The Christmas understanding that Jesus is our Emmanuel, that he is God with us, present with God's people, became vivid for me as I met Ukrainians who are subject to indiscriminate attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure.
What is happening in Ukraine affects us all, not just economically, but especially in terms of our values. If we want our own rights to be ensured, we have to defend the rights of others. If we want to resist authoritarianism, we have to resist its practice everywhere.

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25 Dec 2022

Pope urges end to ‘senseless’ Ukraine war in Christmas message

“Let us see the faces of our Ukrainian brothers and sisters who are experiencing this Christmas in the dark and cold, far from their homes. May the Lord inspire us to offer concrete gestures of solidarity to assist all those who are suffering, and may he enlighten the minds of those who have the power to silence the thunder of weapons."
The pope again condemned the use of food as a weapon of war, saying the war in Ukraine had put millions at risk of famine, mentioning Afghanistan and countries in Africa.

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24 Dec 2022

Zelensky wishes western rite Orthodox Christians merry Christmas

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky wishes western rite Orthodox Christians merry Christmas, noting that this year all holidays have a bitter aftertaste for Ukrainians due to the full-scale war unleashed by russia. "We will not wait for miracle, we will make it ourselves"

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23 Dec 2022

Ukraine will open embassies in 10 African countries

President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukraine plans to open 10 new embassies in Africa and have a presence in 30 African countries.
In addition to the new embassies Ukraine would also be setting up trade representative offices in strategic locations on the continent "where our interests are so far represented less than we need."

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21 Dec 2022

Beyond the battlefield, the cost of the conflict in Ukraine is counted in many hidden ways

Thabo Makgoba: "An end to the war demands a “just peace”, where Ukrainians get their land back and the protections they need against russian aggression.
The church leaders of many persuasions we met in Lviv and Kyiv were convinced of the struggle of this “just war”. Ukraine’s continued freedom is a victory for those everywhere who cherish a system respecting individual human rights, of inclusivity rather than elite privilege and protection, of the right to self-determination instead of imperialism, and of liberty over totalitarianism. It demands our support."

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21 Dec 2022

Why Angola is looking to dump russia as its arms supplier and opt for the US

"We understand that the time has come to move to rearm the FAA with NATO equipment." - President João Lourenço
Russia was the biggest arms exporter, and SA is the only African supplier to Angola.
Now Angola is keen on moving away from russian military equipment, in favour of US-manufactured arms, as the nation forges stronger ties with the NATO, the country's president said.

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19 Dec 2022

It’s freezing, drones and missiles rain down, but Ukrainians are up for the challenge

Liubov Abravitova is the Ukrainian ambassador to SA.
"Today I want to share an address by our President Volodymyr Zelensky to the whole civilised world about his proposed Global Peace Formula Summit this winter. 
And please take care of yourselves, and a very merry Hanukkah to the Jewish community around the world!"

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16 Dec 2022

Russia-Ukraine war providing lessons for future conflicts

Russia invaded Ukraine hoping for a quick victory over Kyiv's forces. The fact that russia has nuclear weapons has not ensured that russia's invasion of Ukraine has been successful on the ground, let alone as a strategic matter. Russia's "aggression against Ukraine has been a catastrophic strategic disaster for vladimir putin. 

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15 Dec 2022

Congo-Kinshasa: Borderlands and Bloodbaths - the Case of Congo and Ukraine

To safeguard the future - for our earth and children - we have to learn that general well-being depends on collaboration between nations and peoples, regardless of ethnicity, gender, and ideologies. Wars, like Russia's ruthless attack on a sovereign nation and the central African mayhem, are crimes against humanity and must be stopped through peaceful solutions. Time is running out and cannot be wasted on armed conquests and bloodshed.

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15 Dec 2022

Ukraine exported over 1M tonnes of wheat to Africa in Dec 2022

As of December 14, 2022, as part of the ‘grain corridor’, a total of 554 vessels left the Odesa region’s ports, loaded with 13.9 million tonnes of Ukrainian-produced agricultural products, namely 4 million tonnes of wheat and 5.9 million tonnes of corn.

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15 Dec 2022

Berigte te velde: Eben Viktor oor Rusland se nuutste taktiek

Dit is winter in Oekraïne en die Russe bombardeer die land se energienetwerk. Rusland se nuwe bevelvoerder in Oekraïne volg ’n taktiek wat herinner aan dié van die Engelse in die Boereoorlog – maak dit ondraaglik vir gewone burgers. Hoe oorleef die inwoners van Oekraïne hierdie aanslae?

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12 Dec 2022

Body of Zambian student killed in Ukraine fighting for russia repatriated

The body of a Zambian student who died while fighting in Ukraine after he was recruited in a russian jail arrived home in a makeshift coffin Sunday.
The 23-year-old had been studying nuclear engineering at Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. Two weeks after Zambia's demand for information, russia's wagner paramilitary group admitted it had recruited him for moscow's "special operation" in Ukraine.

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08 Dec 2022

Domestic growth for 2022 driven by diamond mining

The prolonged war between russia and Ukraine poses a risk to the global outlook, owing to the global increases in food and fuel prices. Furthermore, supply chain disruptions, along with the more stringent financial conditions, pose additional risks to the global growth outlook. 


06 Dec 2022

Morocco will be first African country to provide military aid to Ukraine

Morocco advocates "respect for the territorial integrity, sovereignty and national unity of all United Nations member states. The Moroccan authorities have decided to transfer spare parts for T-72 tanks to Ukraine, becoming the first African country to provide military assistance to Kyiv.


05 Dec 2022

Infrastructure Ministry: 9 cargo ships with grain bound for African nations leave Ukraine

Ships carrying 336,000 tons of grain left Odesa on Dec. 3 and 4. French President Emmanuel Macron said that the program initiated by Zelensky “greatly contributes to ensuring global food security.”

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05 Dec 2022

Ukraine sows its offensive across Africa through grain diplomacy

Until spring 2023, Ukraine plans to supply at least five million people across the African continent as part of this humanitarian effort. 
“All of these are not plans, but an established mechanism that has already started working. The first ships have already departed,” Kuleba said. Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya and Nigeria will be among the primary beneficiaries.

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01 Dec 2022

Ukrainian, Senegalese presidents discuss Grain from Ukraine initiative, peace formula

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has held a phone call with the chairperson of the African Union and the President of Senegal, Macky Sall, during which they discussed the further implementation of the Grain from Ukraine initiative.

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29 Nov 2022

Ukraine to donate grain to hunger-stricken African countries

Speaking to African journalists from Kyiv on Monday, Ukraine’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba said the programme seeks to lift at least five million Africans out of the growing food insecurity crisis, which has been exacerbated by russia’s invasion of his country.
Ukraine says choice of countries receiving the aid is purely based on need and not political affiliation.

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26 Nov 2022

Zelenskyy opens first international summit to implement Grain from Ukraine program initiated by Ukraine, designed to help countries suffering from hunger

Our goal is ambitious and specific – to save at least 5 million people from hunger. On this path, Ukraine has already taken the first steps – sent the first ships. In the middle of November – 27,000 tonnes of wheat for Ethiopia. Another vessel is being loaded today. 


24 Nov 2022

Seek truth and justice for Africa and Ukraine — it is a fight for national identity, culture and freedom

Because every problem has a solution… Once in South Africa, and now in Ukraine, people and humanity are the central ideas of our struggle. Be as brave as you can, as you were. Be brave like Ukraine is forced to be.

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21 Nov 2022

Russian University Accused of Hounding African Students to Fight Putin’s War

“If it’s not the police walking up to [African] students in a park, it’s soldiers approaching us on the streets to convince us to fight in Ukraine,” the student from Nigeria...
Just this week, Zambia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that a 23-year-old Zambian student who was studying nuclear engineering at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI) before his imprisonment over a year had been killed in Ukraine on Sept. 22 while fighting on the Russian side.


20 Nov 2022

Brenthurst survey shows vast majority of South Africans condemn russia

74.3% of South Africans believe that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is “an act of aggression that must be condemned” while only 12.7% believe it is “an acceptable use of force”

11 Nov 2022

Meet Zhan Beleniuk, Ukraine’s Olympic wrestler and first Black MP

Beleniuk says he is the ‘best example’ of how Ukrainians perceive people of different race.


10 Nov 2022

Ukraine and Africa – brothers in freedom

...What was remarkable, however, was how a people subject to such a vicious assault are standing up and fighting back. 
The spirit of freedom is not easily crushed...

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05 Nov 2022

What Ukraine is doing about its Nigerian students

Ukraine’s Special Envoy for Africa and the Middle East, Maksym Subkh, says russia will pay compensation for the damages it has done in Ukraine through its invasion of the country.
On the 24th of February this year, we had more than 28,000 students studying in Ukraine in different universities and institutes.
There are several options - the online studying as a type of programme which is accredited by the government of Ukraine and then when the situation gets calm and normalised they will be able to be back to continue their study, physically in Ukraine.

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27 Oct 2022

Suid-Afrika en Rusland se verhouding: die pad vorentoe

Die Russiese ekonomie inderdaad besig is om in te plof, en dat die omvang daarvan selfs groter is as wat vermoed word
Rusland is nie meer ’n kommunistiese staat nie, en allermins ’n werkersparadys waar almal “gelyk” is. As jy teenswoordig ’n ondersteuner van Rusland is, ondersteun jy ’n hoogs ondemokratiese, totalitêre regime waar menseregte en vryheid van spraak geen plek het nie. 
Mense wat weier om hierdie mite te laat vaar, sien ook nie in dat die misdrywe wat die Russiese soldate pleeg, ’n aanduiding van die degraderende sosio-ekonomiese toestand in Rusland self is nie.

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13 Oct 2022

Africa and Ukraine 'in the same boat', says Ukrainian diplomatic chief

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kouleba was on a tour of the African continent. "Every Russian rocket does not only hit Ukrainians but also affects the quality of life of Africans. 830,000 tons of grain have been delivered to African countries since July."


12 Oct 2022

Ukraine special representative for Africa, Maksym Subkh: We are counting on SA's support

Russian invasion is an act of flagrant imperialism. Hardly anywhere else in the world do people understand the concept of imperialism so well... 
Russia claims that it is increasingly investing in African countries, although this was not captured in the dataset, which shows that only one per cent of total foreign direct investments in Africa was made by Russia.


29 Sep 2022

Why Ukraine’s inevitable victory against russia will be a win for Africa

The war in Ukraine is one about freedom of choice, of rights, of a world order that respects the rule of law and order over the rule of the jungle. If we want outsiders to take human rights in Africa seriously, we all must play our part in ensuring justice, now and in the future, and place ourselves on the right side of history.


24 Aug 2022

Ukraine Independence Day, 24 August - Message by UK, EU & USA in Namibia

Our commitment to a better world, one that is fairer and strives for freedom for all – especially in the aftermath of the pandemic – is a challenge that we all must face together. Ukraine is our friend in this global reconstruction effort, and it is our partner in food security. 


12 Aug 2022

Poësie uit Oekraïne

Eben Viktor verskaf hierdie maand se bydrae tot ’n spesiale reeks gedigvertalings wat ons tot die einde van die jaar beplan. Hier volg sy vertaling van twee gedigte deur Oksana (Rozumna) Kutsenko, sowel as ’n inleidende bydrae ter toeligting daarvan. 
Baie dankie, Eben.

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20 July 2022

Ukrainian Film Festival Hosts Local Experts

The Ukrainian Film Festival in Namibia was initiated by the Ukrainian community in Windhoek.
"We want local people to get immersed in the beauty of Ukrainian culture, understand what the biggest country in Europe consists of, see us as humans with strong personalities, and make them fall in love with Ukraine."

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16 June 2022

Myroslav Kuvaldin: Music star of Nigerian root speaks on being “black”, taking arms for Ukraine against russia

It seems to me that the message is very clear - every African country once dreamed of and fought for its independence. This is the kind of independence that Ukraine is currently fighting for, and that is why I think that this message will be absolutely clear to people in Africa...

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11 June 2022

Ukrainian Ambassador Speaks Out

Due to its history of having to deal with colonialism, the African continent has a moral and historical obligation to condemn any type of neo-colonialism whether it’s happening in Asia, in Latin America or in Europe. 
As part of the USSR, Ukraine was a big part of the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa and other anti-colonial and anti-imperialist struggles of African countries.


7 June 2022

Mellet Moll. Taras Sjefsjenko

Ons sal hom op die hoë grond begrawe,
in die Steppe tussen koringlande en die
steil oewers van die Dnipro-rivier...


6 June 2022

The russian invasion of Ukraine: Disruptions of global food security and food exports to the African region 

Even with its huge populace, Ukraine happens to be an industrial agrarian country and one of the largest producers of food products in the world. Among the main food crops produced and exported to Africa by Ukraine are maize, corn, sunflower, wheat and Barley. 

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16 Apr 2022

African Nations Must Base Foreign Policy on Domestic Interests, Not Past Ideological Ties

African countries have supported russia on the basis that the country is an opponent of the US and Western powers.
The problem now is that countries perceived by Western countries, global investors and ordinary citizens to be aiding and abetting russia could suffer collateral economic damage.
Foreign policy needs to be more strategic and tightly linked to domestic economic interests, political stability and constitutional democracy interests.


12 Apr 2022

Russia war in Ukraine can impact tourism

According to the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), the war in Ukraine poses new challenges to the global economic environment and risks hampering the return of confidence in global travel.
It says that the recent spike in oil prices (Brent crude oil reached its highest levels in 10 years), and rising inflation are making accommodation and transport services more expensive, adding extra pressure on businesses, consumer purchasing power and savings.


31 March 2022

Ukrainian ‘globe-rider’ says Namibia is the best

Following her eight-and-a-half years solo-journey on her motorbike around the world, Ukranian national Anna Grechishkina who has been in 70 countries so far says that Namibia was the best place in Africa!

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23 March 2022

War in Ukraine: To seduce Africa, Putin supporters rewrite history

Vladimir Putin needs Africa. 
Since the beginning of the offensive against Kiev, one snapshot has been a favourite on social media: it shows a man presented as the chief of the Kremlin alongside former presidents Samora Machel and Emmerson Mnangagwa. But its authenticity is highly dubious…

Russia-Ukraine Why Africa needs to be vigilant against Moscow’s destabilising

10 March 2022

Russia-Ukraine: Why Africa needs to be vigilant against Moscow’s destabilising influence

Russia has often used extralegal tools to pursue its objectives on the continent. It has deployed mercenaries, run disinformation campaigns, interfered in elections and bartered arms for resources. This low-cost, high yield approach has enabled Moscow to expand its influence in Africa more rapidly, arguably, than any other external actor since 2018 when Russia ramped up its Africa engagements.
Regrettably for African citizens, these tactics are all inherently destabilising. Moreover, the result is disenfranchisement and diminished African sovereignty.

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01 March 2022

All Ukrainians are now united as one big family

Two citizens of Ukraine, Katerina Kachan and Olga Nesterenko in Swakopmund share why russia attacked Ukraine.

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28 Feb 2022

Namibia is the best country for photographers

Namib Times spoke to Swakopmund resident, Olga Nesterenko, who is originally from Ukraine and Kate Kachan, a Ukranian national who has been stranded in Namibia while vacationing in the country. 

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