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January 19. Traditions in Ukraine. Impressive photographs from Namibia

Christmas traditions around the world are diverse, but share key traits - light and hope.

One year ago, on January 19, 2022, in Swakopmund (Namibia) was extremely impressive evening. On that evening the lights were changing every 5, even every 3 minutes - from dark blue to bright yellow and pink, all colors were seen. And then a rainbow appeared, more than that not a simple one, but a double one. Maybe rain and rainbows are common occurrences somewhere, but not in Swakop. It rains once in a blue moon here, and I've only seen a rainbow here once.

It was not difficult for me to remember the date, because:

January 19 (January 6th on the Julian Calendar) in Ukraine every year is a celebration of the Epiphany and the Baptism of Jesus. According to the Bible, Christ was christening this day in the waters of the Jordan River.

This holiday symbolizes the end of the Christmas and New Year holiday season.

On the eve of Epiphany, Ukrainians have long celebrate the second holy evening. The whole day before the Epiphany the believers fast. In the evening of January 18, the whole family gathers for a festive dinner. Dinner can only begin after the first star appears in the sky. On this day on the table are only lenten dishes – fish, cabbage varenyky, kutia, uzvar, etc. and hungry (poor) kutia.

This evening it is customary to give presents.

Water is an important symbol of this holiday. The water is considered to be sacred. On January 19, you can see crowds of people near the churches. People come to consecrate water. Water on this day becomes curative and retains its properties throughout the year. Water is used to treat various ailments and sprinkling habitation.

On this day thousands of believers gather near rivers and lakes. Near the reservoirs are church services. In the frozen river, an ice hole breaks through, and those wishing to dive into it several times. The most daring are dipped in cold river water and children. While bathing a Christian crosses himself and says: “In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit!”

In the evening Ukrainians serve the equal number of lean and meat dishes. Varenyky (dumplings), fried liver, holubtsi (stuffed cabbage rolls), meat dishes and sausages are the main “heroes” of the feast. For dessert, Ukrainians usually bake cookies and pies with nuts. They also boil kysil (fruit/berry drink or jelly dessert).

On Epiphany, children and young people sing carols for the last time – they go from house to house and sing songs with well-wishes.

Read here more about Christmas traditions in Ukraine.

It is believed that every prayer on this day is heard.
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Marc Oberholzer
Marc Oberholzer
21 janv. 2023

Слава Україні !    🌻🇺🇦 🇿🇦🌻

Very interesting, thanks for sharing.

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