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Comparative geographical data of Namibia and Ukraine

Here you can find some comparative information on the geographical data of Namibia and Ukraine such as geographic coordinates, distance between two countries, longest rivers, elevation etc.

Ukraine and Namibia have the same three degrees of east longitude
Namibia & Ukraine (Geographic coordinates)

Namibia is lying between latitudes 17° and 29° S, and longitudes 12° and 25° E with it's centre: 22 00 S, 17 00 E - Otjozondjupa Region.

Ukrainian centre is 49 00 N, 32 00 E - Kamianka Raion, Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine is lying between latitudes 44° and 53° N, and longitudes 22° and 41° E. Ukraine is also a geographical centre of Europe (47°57′46.47″N 24°11′14.4″E).

As you can see Ukraine and Namibia have the same three degrees of east longitude.

So if you are somewhere on Caprivi and facing strictly north, then (somewhere there, across the equator, 10,000km away) you can see the Ukrainian Carpathians.

Ukraine is about 3000 km further from equator than Namibia
Namibia & Ukraine (distances from equator, noth and south pole)

Namibia is about 2500 km south of the equator and Ukraine is about 5500 km north of the equator

so Ukraine is about 3000 km further from equator.

North pole is about 12500 km from Namibia and 4500 km from Ukraine.

South pole is about 7500 km from Namibia and 15500 km from Ukraine.

The shortest and quickest, by car and flight
Distance between Ukraine and Namibia

- The shortest distance between Namibia and Ukraine is 8203 km

- The distance from Windhoek to Kyiv by car is 13,343 km and takes 177 hours

- The quickest fly from Namibia to Ukraine takes 18h 56m

- The cheapest way to get from Namibia to Ukraine is to fly which costs about $750 and takes 20h 32m

Namibia and Ukraine have the same temporal distance to UTC
Namibia nd Ukraine time zone

But despite this great distance

Namibia and Ukraine have the same temporal distance to UTC (Universal Time Coordinated):

Eastern European Time is consistent with UTC +2 (Ukraine) and Central Africa Time is consistent with UTC +2 (Namibia).

Namibia is 1.4 times bigger than Ukraine
Total area of Ukraine and Namibia

Ukraine - the land has a total area of 603,550 km².

Namibia - the land has a total area of 825,615 km².

So Namibia is 1.4 times bigger than Ukraine.

Namibia is the 35th largest country in the world and Ukraine is the 45th
List of countries and dependencies by area
Namibia is the 35th largest country in the world and Ukraine is the 45th

(and Ukraine is the biggest in Europe) among 234 countries (and dependencies) in the List of ranked by area and there are only a few countries between - Mozambique, Turkey, Chile, Zambia etc.

Namibia and Ukraine look like exactly identical rectangles, only 90 degrees apart
Namibia and Ukraine from south to north and from west to east

However, one thing that's interesting is this.

Ukraine extends for about 1,300 km from west to east and 900 km from north to south and Namibia stretches for about 1,300 km from south to north and up to about 900 km in width from west to east.

So, it looks like exactly identical rectangles, only 90 degrees apart.

the total length of the Ukrainian border is 1.7 times longer
Namibian & Ukrainian borders

Although Namibia is bigger than Ukraine in 1.4 times,

however the total length of the Ukrainian border is 1.7 times longer

(6,992 km Ukrainian border and the total length of the Namibian border is 4,220 km). It's because Namibian western border is the Atlantic Ocean.

Namibian total coastline is 1.8 times less than Ukrainian
Namibian & Ukrainian coastline
But also Namibian total coastline is 1.8 times less than Ukrainian

Namibia has a total coastline of 1,572 km, Ukraine has a total coastline of 2,782 km.

the water resource area in Ukraine is 24 times more than Namibia's
Namibian & Ukrainian water resources
In total the water resource area in Ukraine is 24 times more than Namibia's.

Water in Ukraine is about 24,220 km2 and in Namibia is about 1,000 km2. Namibia is the driest country in sub-Saharan Africa.

Namibian longest river Fish River is 650 km.

Ukrainian longest river Dnipro is 981 km.

Namibia is almost a kilometre above Ukraine
Elevation of Ukraine and Namibia

Ukraine is comparatively low at an average elevation of 175 meters above sea level.

Namibia is comparatively high at an average elevation of 1141 meters above sea level.

It turns out that Namibia is almost a kilometre above Ukraine.

The highest mountain peak in Ukraine (Howerla) is at 2,061 meters. And the highest mountain peak in Namibia (Königstein peak of Brandberg) is at 2,573 meters.

So, perhaps these two men, being on different continents but at so high altitude, could actually see each other.

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Read more Namibia vs Ukraine data (climate, demographic and economy) in our further posts.

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