These photos were either taken in Ukraine or Namibia, but try to guess where every single one of them was taken.
Please try to answer on your own and then have a look at the correct answer. Don't peek please!
Ukraine or Namibia?
Namibia or Ukraine?
Ukraine or Namibia?
Namibia or Ukraine?
Ukraine or Namibia?
Namibia or Ukraine?
Ukraine or Namibia?
Namibia or Ukraine?
Please write how many correct answers you have. Were there any surprises? What is your favourite part about Namibia and/or Ukraine? Share the love in the comments below.
I was surprised by number 1, 6, 7, 8. This list shows how little we know about our territory. And, of course, I improved my vocabulary in English. Thank you.
I liked this in March of this year and still like it now.
The desert in Ukraine just stunning, never knew this until this year.
All are truly stunningly breathtaking.
Thanks for sharing this with everyone.