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I want to know more about Ukraine

On 24th of March we had a privilege to meet with the kids from Pro-Ed Akademie in Swakopmund.

The children know that russia war against Ukraine is in its second year, they know that many Ukrainian children are suffering. While your instincts may be to shield them from all the bad events in the world, kids today will find out this information somehow whether that’s from their friends, TV or Internet. In the media there is daily discussion of difficult topics. However, it is also quite likely that the kids have some confusion about the facts and the magnitude of the danger. They often have mistaken information, questions, and some strong feelings. Often children are hesitant to share their questions and fears with adults. When children have the chance to have an open and honest conversation about things upsetting them, it can create a sense of relief and safety. So teachers decided to invite Ukrainians and we were glad to be talking with kids about it.

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For us it was another opportunity to tell about our Motherland,

its tradition and its struggle for freedom and the very existence,

about importance to continue to do what your heart tells you,

what you have to do.

It's painfully difficult to talk with children about war. We were talking about understanding where good and evil are and how blessed they are to live in a peaceful country and how important to appreciate it and cherish it.

Actually we were immediately bombarded with a bunch of questions vying with each other! The questions were all very different - from how to cook Borscht (national Ukrainian dish) - the future new Michelin asked, to why did this war start or how can I pass on parcels with aid?

We were talking about education which is one of the country's top priorities, both in Ukraine and Namibia, our common tradition of ringing the bell at the beginning of school, about the waltz danced by students in both Ukraine and Namibia, about matrix in beautiful dresses etc.

We were talking about other similarities and differences between Ukraine and Namibia. What is interesting - the kids answered proper on the questions! Was so surprising!

We have shared a few examples of how, in spite of the situation, students continue to study and practice sport and even win championships. So don't give up under any circumstances, keep studying and practicing sports!

It was great to meet the future winner of the gymnastics competition, and even the future president etc!

We were absolutely blown away by their awareness and willingness to learn even more about Ukraine. This is such a huge positive and affirmative emotions.

We were talking about how important is freedom of speech when you can ask any question, sing any song, watch news from any channel - Fb, Insta, YouTube, and when these channels are banned and the word 'peace' is not allowed it's not good.

And of course like Namibians, Ukrainians are very freedom-loving and peaceful people, and when the ruler of a neighbouring dictatorship country where only one person has the power to do whatever he wants, decided to steal territories, steal childhoods, steal kids and even lives, it's not good at all. That is why all Ukrainians are now united in one big family helping each other to kick this miserable thief out of Ukraine.

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Many people are working hard around the world to help Ukraine to stop this war and find peace. 

Children’s concerns are quite healthy because people's concern is the first step toward doing something to make the world safer. One of the most wonderful things about children is that they love doing positive things for others and making a difference.

Children in Ukraine help adults in any way they can - collecting money, painting the walls of bomb shelters to keep it beautiful, singing songs that inspire, singing the world anthem of freedom.

Every action makes a difference, so on Easter eve, the kids enthusiastically coloured eggs in Ukrainian Pysanka style with the words "I stand with Ukraine!" It's extremely heartwarming!

"As long as the egg writing custom continues, the world will exist."



You can find out a little more and download the Pysanka colouring books here.

And, realizing what a lovely, caring generation is growing, you have no doubts that together the world will definitely defeat the evil.

It is an incredible experience to hear the little ones say Slava Ukraiini! Glory to Ukraine! We think it was heard from thousands of miles away, and it gives even more hope for tomorrow.

We will get through this together!

We talked for 2 hours, but that was not enough, they kept asking questions, they kept being curious. Hope to see you again and answer all your questions!

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We are thankful to every gentle soul in that classroom who surrounded us with their love, and care, and support.

Please accept our deepest gratitude the teachers for organizing this meeting and the parents and teachers for such outstanding children.

We appreciate our friends from Ukraine who've sent pictures and videos of their kids!

Thank you for taking the time to do this.

Thank you Namibia for your support! It means the world to all Ukrainians.

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